Initially, I was what could be called "perky" (no "pinky" jokes here, please) as I only had 3 pints yesterday lunchtime and thus didn't wake up in a post Young's fug from the excesses of the normal evening.
However, not long after getting to the office (prior to 8AM - as rare as Halley's Comet) I noticed that the Outlook server that all 330 of my graceless users would be trying to access in 45 mins was down. Now, you can insult most of my users' mothers to their face and it will normally have no effect.
But NO OUTLOOK - I may as well have told them that they were going to be executed by bullet to the back of the head in the next ten minutes. And I would charge their relatives for the bullet.
Next steps:-
1. Get someone at H.O. (preferably sensible) to get onto the problem ASAP - luck was on my side.
2. Tell everyone - my first port of call in the building was Personnel - "OK - We'll send an e-mail to the business telling them..." Erm...
3. Personnel "Oh yeah. Teeheeteeheee! Aren't we stupid". How I kept my gob shut was beyond me.
4. Personnel "O.K. We'll type a note up and get the print room to photocopy is 330 times and do a desk-drop".
5. Me "I can walk round the building in 15 minutes flat telling those with a brain that it's screwed. They will understand. They will pass it on to their processing amoeabas.
6. Personnel "What's a Me Burr?"
Interlude....<<The English language is an expansive and beautiful thing, but it cannot do justice to the sound of a hole punch cracking someone on the cranium>>
7. Walk round the rest of the building, telling those with some sort of cerebal function the score. Faith in human kind restord, to an extent...
8. 10.07. Outlook server comes back - another 20 minutes whilst all unsent/not received e-mails get chucked through.
9. 10.30 Personnel send an e-mail to all 330 users telling them that Outlook is working...
10. 10.31 TMR explodes. Mrs TMR escorts me out of the office whilst rolling me a fag. Even though she has stopped.
11. 12.45 Lunch. A few beers. A couple of fags.
Everything is now rosy