The National Trust is to set itself up in direct opposition to the government's house-building programme.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has pledged to build three million more homes by 2020 to tackle the housing crisis.
SourceWhy oh why doesn’t somebody –
anybody - point out the foolishness of this plan?
Three million more homes means three million cookers, fridges, microwaves, TV’s, gas boilers, etc. – all imported…
Three million cars, perhaps as many as six or eight million (all imported)…
Six million adults plus eight million kids (mostly imported)…
Three million wheelie bins full of rubbish every week…
Yet we are constantly being told that the environment is ferked, the transport infrastructure can’t cope and climate change will turn most low-lying areas into attractive water features.
And slackjaw makes out this is a
good thing and nobody questions it – even the National Trust doesn’t argue against three million new homes – just where they should be built.
No slackjaw, a
good thing would be to pay people to fark-off to somewhere else and not build three million houses in green belt areas. Wanker!