
Author Topic: Arrividerci Roma  (Read 6667 times)

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Re: Arrividerci Roma
« Reply #30 on: May 13, 2007, 06:25:32 PM »
So, what did the Romas ever do for us?
Sold us clothes pegs, taught us how to cook hedgehogs and filled our lay-bys?
I mostly despair

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Re: Arrividerci Roma
« Reply #31 on: May 13, 2007, 07:54:00 PM »
They missed out on this place then!
[smite] you!  Angry9:
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Re: Arrividerci Roma
« Reply #32 on: May 13, 2007, 07:55:41 PM »
So, what did the Romas ever do for us?
Sold us clothes pegs, taught us how to cook hedgehogs and filled our lay-bys with shite and old washing machines?
Fixed that for you...  ;)
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Offline Snoopy

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Re: Arrividerci Roma
« Reply #33 on: May 14, 2007, 01:14:55 PM »
Evening all, bonsoir a tous. . .

Make it a large one please, Barman.  What about these bloody Roma kids arriving then? And why Slough?

hxxp: news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/england/berkshire/6649049. stm

?150K so far sorting them out! Send 'em back to Roma; that's the only answer.

By the way. . .  do Librarians come from Libraria?

Librarians are born between September 24 and October 23rd .... I thought everyone knew that!

As for why Slough? The proximity to Heathrow may have something to do with it. rubschin:
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.


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Re: Arrividerci Roma
« Reply #34 on: May 14, 2007, 02:57:45 PM »
Evening all, bonsoir a tous. . .

Make it a large one please, Barman.  What about these bloody Roma kids arriving then? And why Slough?

hxxp: news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/england/berkshire/6649049. stm

?150K so far sorting them out! Send 'em back to Roma; that's the only answer.

By the way. . .  do Librarians come from Libraria?

Librarians are born between September 24 and October 23rd .... I thought everyone knew that!

As for why Slough? The proximity to Heathrow may have something to do with it. rubschin:

Don't be daft, they'd never get their horse and caravan on an aeroplane....    Slough is the only place they can pronounce.   

'Ah leeve en Slug weer ist mah moonie?'

Bar Room Bore

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Re: Arrividerci Roma
« Reply #35 on: May 14, 2007, 05:35:24 PM »
I have been to Slough. Dorothy and I quite liked it. We were thinking of buying a semi there, but it fell through cry:

I like these little pictures, very expressive.

I am working on her about the Salsa lessons too!

Oh, er,  alien

Sorry, that came out all wrong
« Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 05:38:36 PM by Bar Room Bore »


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Re: Arrividerci Roma
« Reply #36 on: May 14, 2007, 05:56:48 PM »
I have been to Slough. Dorothy and I quite liked it. We were thinking of buying a semi there, but it fell through cry:

I like these little pictures, very expressive.

I am working on her about the Salsa lessons too!

Oh, er,  alien

Sorry, that came out all wrong


I have been to Slough too.

It caused me to contemplate starting a collection of traffic lights.
But as Slough has bought them all, I didn't bother.

It is pleasing to know that Dorothy is skilled in exotic sauce making..... 

Bar Room Bore

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Re: Arrividerci Roma
« Reply #37 on: May 14, 2007, 07:16:50 PM »
My wife is big on crochet. Big on most things, but sauce is not her strength, I fear

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Re: Arrividerci Roma
« Reply #38 on: May 15, 2007, 04:53:57 AM »
I have been to Slough too.

It caused me to contemplate starting a collection of traffic lights.
But as Slough has bought them all, I didn't bother.
They used to have that sign up at the begging of the run of lights into Slough from Junction 7.

Slough Experiment

Clearly, an experiment that failed dismally and should now be consigned to the dustibin.
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Offline Snoopy

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Re: Arrividerci Roma
« Reply #39 on: May 16, 2007, 10:30:26 AM »
John Betjeman (1906 - 1984)
Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough!
It isn't fit for humans now,
There isn't grass to graze a cow.
Swarm over, Death!

Come, bombs and blow to smithereens
Those air -conditioned, bright canteens,
Tinned fruit, tinned meat, tinned milk, tinned beans,
Tinned minds, tinned breath.

Mess up the mess they call a town-
A house for ninety-seven down
And once a week a half a crown
For twenty years.

And get that man with double chin
Who'll always cheat and always win,
Who washes his repulsive skin
In women's tears:

And smash his desk of polished oak
And smash his hands so used to stroke
And stop his boring dirty joke
And make him yell.

But spare the bald young clerks who add
The profits of the stinking cad;
It's not their fault that they are mad,
They've tasted Hell.

It's not their fault they do not know
The birdsong from the radio,
It's not their fault they often go
To Maidenhead

And talk of sport and makes of cars
In various bogus-Tudor bars
And daren't look up and see the stars
But belch instead.

In labour-saving homes, with care
Their wives frizz out peroxide hair
And dry it in synthetic air
And paint their nails.

Come, friendly bombs and fall on Slough
To get it ready for the plough.
The cabbages are coming now;
The earth exhales.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.