Don't do texting. It's too fiddly, too time consuming, and it's shite.
If I need to speak to someone, that's exactly what i do. SPEAK.
And how many of them understand you mate?
Ask Nick. He's spoken to me, oh, and Bouncer, and Pussy Galore, oh yes, and Degsy.
Don't recall any of them having any particular difficulty in understanding me tbh, but p'raps I shouldn't be the judge of that ey?
I can, for the record, confirm the comprehension rating of Growler's speech to be in the range of 'Class one' from the points of view of clarity of diction, cogent address, subject relativity and personal
bearing. Even the accent was not an obstacle to comprehension.
I also, do not like pointless abbreviation. The ONLY acceptable excuses for text messaging is when you know the recipient cannot respond to an urgent call for such reasons as being in a hospital, at a meeting or when driving and you cannot call again later.