Well the tables have been well and truly turned this evening. I am bloody smouldering with fury at her presently.
She's out at present, and if she's got ANY sense, she'll stay out until well after midnight.
RANTING thread later after i've had a lie down to calm down.
No doubt she will sneak up on you and give you one of THOSE looks, you know, the one that would stop a charging wounded premenstrual water buffalo dead in its tracks
Not actually that far from the truth GOS. Nick hit the nail on the head, and she is actually attempting to turn this current barney around by following me around, attempting to nag me to death for daring
to question her gross and unbelievably bad judgement.
Common sense , zero
Intelligence, zero.
I consider calling her thicker than a barrel of pig shit on a frosty day pretty damned tame tbh, considering she's just cost me £149 of totally uneccessary expense for not using that brain replacement cabbage that's in her head.
I am being totally unreasonable for being so upset apparently!
Using 3 £50 notes to wipe your arse, and then flushing them down the porcelain would be considered fairly wasteful by most reasonable folk i guess, cus that's how i see it as being.
Not actually too sure how that one works out tbh.
I'm currently stoking up the fire in readiness for round 2 tonight.