Mrs S has a clutch of O and A levels as well as an Hons degree + various other diploomas etc. She has, because new labour say so, now to obtain a Post Graduate Certificate in Education to teach (something she has been doing for years anyway but now they insist!) So she is doing a two year part time course to teach her how to do what she does anyway. This is her second year and she is now informed that the "rules" (Nu Labour again) say that she has to have an NVQ level 2 in Literacy and numeracy in order to complete her PGCE. Why? Because her A levels (Which include Maths & English) and Degree were gained too many years ago to count!!!!!! BUT not so long ago as to disbar her from taking a Post Graduate course or PHD.
OK she has more patience than me and instead of telling them to stuff it she has enrolled on the course of eight two hour sessions (at her cost and in her time) to gain the NVQ. Last night she attended the first session along with 7 potential class room assistants. None of the others knew what negative numbers were or how to calculate them making the "complaining" non winner no exception. The next thing the tutor asked the class was "How many degrees are there in a straight line?" Once again she was the only one who knew the answer. The other 7 argued that there could not be any degrees in a straight line (for those here who don't know the answer is 180).
At this point and having explained to the rest where they were wrong the tutor asked Mrs S for a "quiet word". Told her that she was "demotivating the others" because she knew all the answers, agreed that it was a bloody insult that she should be expected to attend the lessons and told her he would mark her as present at the remaining 7 sessions and issue her the pass certificate if she would just not bother to attend again. Education standards in this country are now so low that anyone with an old fashioned education is an embarrassment it seems. She puts up with this farce because she has to have the Certificate at the end of it to be able to continue to teach.
The whole thing is a joke.