Thanks Snoopy.
And Wenchy ~ it was funny.
Oh ~ I forgot to mention ~ one major source of irritation has been that My PC and the three lap tops were all using various forms of word processing, making life difficult at times .... like when "correcting" daughters homework handed to me on a disk. All are now operating on XP Home Edition and using Office Suite 2003 whereas before one was on Office Suite 2003, one was only using the installed sh*t known as Works and had no other (Word/Excel or Powerpoint) one had a pirated copy of Office Suite which M/soft spotted and would not upgrade and one was using Word 97 which I had put in as it too only had Works as a WP package and there was a lot of "I can't open your ..... " etc. So now the whole of Snoopy Towers sings to the same hymn sheet .... except the two ancient PCs in the boys rooms and they are running on Windows 97 and Windows 2000 .... but have no internet access 'cos the boys are too young we feel to have such without supervision and they only want to play games and use their, now ancient, Dorling Kindersly (sp?) reading/writing/maths CDRs, Lego build a virtual railway game etc.