Help is at hand ~ resident crafting expert will now take over the keyboard and give you blow by blow instructions ~ we assume this is for a school "costume"?
1. Cut a length of ribbon approximately 30 cm long, erring on the long side (ie don't skimp it). Cut another length of same ribbon approximately 15 cm long.
2. Take the long piece. Hold it in your left hand approximately 7 cm from one end with the long end in your right hand.
3. Double over the short end of the ribbon so that the end of this is now also held in your left hand with the cut end underneath the other. Hold both in your left hand firmly.
4. Make a similar loop with the long end of the ribbon. NOT with the end but with the bit nearest your left hand. You now have two loops - one to the left and one to the right.
5. Make two more loops in the same way underneath the first two. This should take up most of the ribbon.
6. Staple gun the four loops together (unless you're not allowed to use a staple gun in which case use sellotape)
7. Now take the short piece of ribbon and wrap it around the centre point of the four loops where you were holding them.
8. Fasten this bit round the bow with tape, needle and thread or safety pin.
9. Trim if necessary and tease it into shape.
Et voila! C'est tres facile!
See I told you she could help