Do any of the rest of you enjoy this pastime. Dorothy and I relish our forays into the "great outdoors". This morning we shall be setting out (Dorothy is filling the Thermos now) for a circumnavigation of our local golf course, with a small deviation into the council nature reserve to look at the squirrels before returning home in time to listen to Ken Bruce.
Dorothy is calling, so I have to go, but would anyone else be interested informing a small rambling group? I think it could be quite good fun. My friend Mr Smith, writes walking guides which point out sites of local interest.
I like squirrels.
But they are in my garden.
And if I open the door, they run away.
So I stay, tapping on the computer, and looking at them through the window.
I keep my coffee in a mug instead.
It says: "Only my cat understands me." on my mug. I have wondered why...