Anybody else escaping?
Only if this airport strike is sorted out.
I only booked the tickets 2 days ago, how did they know?
They did this to me last time.
Good points.
25 degrees average, guaranteed till end of March (have to be home by April 1st)
guest cottage on other side of main house with just the pool and the lapa between them... and relax. Sorry still don't know how to post photos from my computer onto here.
Bad points. only dial up available in cottage, but taking wireless laptop and I think I know where there is a reasonable braodband supply, not too far away.
Good point. Brother working away for duration of the trip, conveniently left his car with my mom, so I also have wheels.
Bad point. Nope can't think of another one at the moment.
Good point. Just remembered the holiday flat, (step brother) which will be empty most weekends ...just a half days drive down the Garden Route.
I know where I will be spending my Birthday (end of March) as well...
The last meal there was out of this world, even Nick will not be able to fault it. (Perhaps he will, just remembered he does not like exotic game.