So the hot news from the High Street is that "Traders" say it's not such a bad Christmas after all as people are "flocking to snap up bargains in the Sales where prices are reduced by as much as 70%".
I dunno 'bout you lot but to me this demonstrates the rank profiteering that took place in the weeks and days leading up to Christmas.
And the Wii shortage? There are, I am told, "hundreds on ebay at up to three times the retail price". My search revealed 1082 items offered under the heading Nintendo Wii consoles
I know New Year sales are a traditional way of clearing out surplus stock (AKA Misscalculations by the buying department) but with each passing year I feel more and more that someone is taking the p*ss ~ or am I just getting cynical in my old age?

Wenchy, Miss D, Pussy Galore and LL ~ being female ~ are excused from this thread as we all know that they will happily spend £500 in a sale and justify it as "A bargain, that SAVED me £150" when, in fact, it was something that they would never normally have bought and certainly do not need. We, the men here, accept that this is a genetic malfunction that they cannot help.