My late FiL borrowed one and, despite having been here many time before, followed it slavishly all the way from Lincolnshire to North Wales ~ he got lost several times en route.
My Brother has one and loves it.
My BiL swears by his but he does a lot of continental travel for work.
My SiL has one and can't use it
I have not got one but after 30 years plus on the road as a Rep there are very few villages, towns or cities in the UK, and towns/cities in Belgium, Holland and Germany that I can't remember the way to ~ though I can see a use to locate a street address in a town/city etc as there are never any policemen to ask these days. I do have a lot of "Red Book" maps for individual towns amassed over the years.
On a losely related topic my BiL recently said to Mrs S "Take a picture of XXX with your phone" and seemed amazed when she said ~ "I don't use my camera to call you and I do not use my 'phone to take pictures."
Sometimes I wonder if we don't buy gadgets for the sake of having them rather than for any practical use.
That said I hope you and your new sat nav are very happy together and enjoy many trouble free journeys avoiding all of life's traffic jams.