I have such a feeling of impending doom ...............?
This is bad and wrong in so many ways that?s why!
1) There was stuff in the WPB that you will be looking for tomorrow
2) A bidet??? ???
3) The garage is no place for a car ? a garage is for shite and you?ll be needing the stuff you threw out from Monday ? I betchya!
4) SWMBO has not taken daughter to the library ? they?ll come back from shopping with bags of new shoes for sure.
5) Green tea
6) Need I go on?
You're probably right but
The stuff in the WPB included several banana skins that were getting a bit whiffy
A bidet 'cos I'm hoping it will help the farmers
The Garage 'cos it was full of boxes (empty), nasty (1970s) internal doors that we have replaced (at great cost) and bin liners full of garden trimmings that the council will NOT remove
It's her money ~ I'd rather have the peace ~ and besides if stroppy gets even stroppier I can always forbid her to wear them for a week or two or three or .......
Green Tea 'cos I can't tolerate milk and with the valium I am supposed to avoid stimulants (caffeine)
No ~~~ but thank you anyway.