I won't bother to try and help in future then.
No please do always continue to help - it is very much appreciate
Have read your PM and will take this information with me to pass by daughter - thanks
Yes it did become a mess and stressful and additionally expensive but, and I am sure you will understand this, even though it may be non understandable by most other of our venerated clientele, the whole episode had so upset BD (beautiful daughter) that the 'original' dress would never never never never never have felt right now and I would kill
to ensure that BD's day is what she wants
Let's just hope we don't have the same fiasco with my outfit - first fitment early March (ano 2 week UK visit trip pre wedding day so perhaps I will finally get to meet some of you at some point this year
and am more than happy to by one and all a yard or two of ale and a box of extra Bonies for my fanastic bar hound
) - otherwise MOTB could be wearing bin liners and gaffer tape