I was 15, marriage was the furthest thing from my mind!
Show off oh potential second daughter
Tell her what you said about her last night...
No one likes a tale tale tit BaldyMort
Wenchy - this was
exactly what was said when viewing TV last night with shiny bonce BM
BM - Do you think Wenchy sounds like her?
LL - WTF r you talking about? (We are watching Futrarama - BM's choice)
BM - Do you think Wenchy sounds like Leela, now that you have really met her?
LL - Huh, but Leela is a Cyclops, don't what you mean!
BM - Ignore that bit, does Wenchy in real life, have a voice thats sounds like Leela's (BM looking strangely shifty now!)
LL - Well I guess, sort of, she sounds nice but WHY are you asking?
BM - In my imagination I read Wenchy's posts in Leela's voice (BM looking a little
LL - Oh you sad old fart !
BM - Of it's okay Wenchy knows I've told her
Well if you hadn't previously you certainly HAVE NOW !!!!!