Well a Welsh win was not unexpected. I still don't see them as a "good" team. Not a patch on the Welsh greats of the past. I can't put my finger on it, perhaps it's a matter that they are marginally better and luckier than their opponents this year so far but somehow I just can't see them as World Class.
Henson ~ God knows why they persist with him flapping about on the fringes, scared to take a tackle
Shanklin ~ Too quick to blame the passer every time he fumbles a ball... never his fault attitude
Hook ~ needs to get the right studs on his boots, slips over too much
I could go on but what's the point ...... they are not great players, any of them..
As for the crowd ~ Booing when someone from the opposite side is taking a penalty is NOT in the spirit of the game but so typically Welsh.
Pity 'cos I don't really care who wins as long as it's a good game and that wasn't ~ unless you're Welsh I s'pose.
I look forward to the Irish taking them apart and the French wiping their arses with 'em.