Have a look at -
Looked .... nothing surprising in it.
In Biblical Times spies disguised themselves to walk among the camps of the enemy to listen to conversations and report back to their masters.
Elizabeth the First had two Spymasters (Lord Walsingham & Lord Burghley) who coordinated the efforts of their spies who gleaned information often by hiding in the rafters of buildings where "suspects" were meeting (Eavesdroppers).
Other than the level of sophistication of the devices used nothing has changed.
As for Fugger Fayed's allegations ... which become more outrageous every time he opens his mouth:
If MI6 and MI5 together with the Royal Family, The Prime Minister, Several Lords with the able assistance of the CIA, the French Security Services and Police as well as his own employees were really all in a plot to kill Diana does he really think they would allow him to continue this nonsense? If they all really conspired to cause the three deaths in Paris why has he not yet "fallen under a bus"? It is too ridiculous for words