Confess I keep well away from these time wasters. They are too addictive.
Very wise I think Snoops...not only addictive but can wind you up something rotten.... not good just before bed! 
Indeed ... the last thing I need before bed. Horlicks would be better at my age.
Or a G & T? 
Best not push it too far. I may have hopped off the wagon yesterday, under stress I might add, but it does horrid thngs to the blood sugars and I do not want to be back on the insulin self injections again. Besides I used to drink too much (is there such an amount?) and it gets dangerous after a while. I do actually want to live to see my boys grow up and if I go back on the booze then I certainly won't achieve that ambition.
I don't know if not smoking and not drinking will help me to live longer .............. but it sure feels like it ~ every day an eternity.