Author Topic: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory  (Read 3586 times)

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Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« on: May 19, 2007, 12:03:49 PM »
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bullet analysis used to justify the lone assassin theory behind President John F. Kennedy's assassination is based on flawed evidence, according to a team of researchers including a former top FBI scientist.
Writing in the Annals of Applied Statistics, the researchers urged a reexamination of bullet fragments from the 1963 shooting in Dallas to confirm the number of bullets that struck Kennedy


Hard to imagine that the ?truth? will ever come out ? if there was a conspiracy all those years ago it is unlikely that forensic evidence would have remained intact.

It was a bit before my time really (I was three) but it has fascinated me over the years and I thought ?JFK? ? the Kevin Costner film was quite compelling.

Anybody really believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did it and was acting alone?
« Last Edit: May 19, 2007, 12:32:45 PM by Barman »
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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2007, 12:27:55 PM »
the Kevin Costner film was quite competing.
I found it quite compelling as well.

It was a bit hard to believe that grassy Gallagher boy was involved though, he must be even younger than you. ;)
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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2007, 12:29:29 PM »
I tend to agree with you and I am not one who generally goes in for conspiracy theories ~ I believe more in the cock-up theory ~ but there are so many things about this that do not add up. Of course you also have to factor in the usual American (US) leanings toward secrecy in all things and the tendency to "cover their own arses" so oft displayed by the US Secret Services and we will never get to the truth. Most of those involved are now dead anyway.
'Tis a strange world that our American cousins inhabit where things happen that we will never get to the bottom of.
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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2007, 12:33:29 PM »
. . the cock-up . . .their own arses . . .to the bottom. .

Is this code?

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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2007, 12:34:20 PM »
the Kevin Costner film was quite competing.
I found it quite compelling as well.

It was a bit hard to believe that grassy Gallagher boy was involved though, he must be even younger than you. ;)

Yes, the Gallagher boy must have been no more than a glitter in his grandfather's eye...
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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2007, 01:03:15 PM »
. . the cock-up . . .their own arses . . .to the bottom. .

Is this code?

You are Kim Philby and I claim my 5 Roubles.

Your Roubles are in the postski Comrade ~ Indeed you have cracked the code. "We are buggered"
« Last Edit: May 19, 2007, 01:05:10 PM by Snoopy »
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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2007, 05:52:10 PM »
Your Roubles are in the postski Comrade ~ Indeed you have cracked the code. "We are buggered"

Psst... Snoopy... Don't mention Roubles, Olga's in the kitchen trying to resuscitate last night's unsold Blinis eyes:
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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2007, 06:01:34 PM »
Your Roubles are in the postski Comrade ~ Indeed you have cracked the code. "We are buggered"

Psst... Snoopy... Don't mention Roubles, Olga's in the kitchen trying to resuscitate last night's unsold Blinis eyes:

sick2: sick2: sick2:
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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2007, 06:12:26 PM »
Me too cry:
Like the Buddhist said to the hot dog vendor...
"Make me one with everything"

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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2007, 09:50:28 AM »
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bullet analysis used to justify the lone assassin theory behind President John F. Kennedy's assassination is based on flawed evidence, according to a team of researchers including a former top FBI scientist.
Writing in the Annals of Applied Statistics, the researchers urged a reexamination of bullet fragments from the 1963 shooting in Dallas to confirm the number of bullets that struck Kennedy


Hard to imagine that the ?truth? will ever come out ? if there was a conspiracy all those years ago it is unlikely that forensic evidence would have remained intact.

It was a bit before my time really (I was three) but it has fascinated me over the years and I thought ?JFK? ? the Kevin Costner film was quite compelling.

Anybody really believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did it and was acting alone?

You may want to give this a shot Barman
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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2007, 09:56:30 AM »
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bullet analysis used to justify the lone assassin theory behind President John F. Kennedy's assassination is based on flawed evidence, according to a team of researchers including a former top FBI scientist.
Writing in the Annals of Applied Statistics, the researchers urged a reexamination of bullet fragments from the 1963 shooting in Dallas to confirm the number of bullets that struck Kennedy


Hard to imagine that the ?truth? will ever come out ? if there was a conspiracy all those years ago it is unlikely that forensic evidence would have remained intact.

It was a bit before my time really (I was three) but it has fascinated me over the years and I thought ?JFK? ? the Kevin Costner film was quite compelling.

Anybody really believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did it and was acting alone?

You may want to give this a shot Barman

Should it do something?  redface:
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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2007, 10:08:39 AM »
Well it was supposed to link to the JFK reloaded site where they had recreated a sim that put you in the position of LHO. The idea was to see if it is possible to make the shots from where he was.

It was pretty controversial at the time, mainly because there was a cash prize involved so it could have been shut down.
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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2007, 10:10:31 AM »
Well it was supposed to link to the JFK reloaded site where they had recreated a sim that put you in the position of LHO. The idea was to see if it is possible to make the shots from where he was.

It was pretty controversial at the time, mainly because there was a cash prize involved so it could have been shut down.

The link worked but nothing else happened so it looks as if the content has been removed. cussing:
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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2007, 10:13:58 AM »
Well it was supposed to link to the JFK reloaded site where they had recreated a sim that put you in the position of LHO. The idea was to see if it is possible to make the shots from where he was.

It was pretty controversial at the time, mainly because there was a cash prize involved so it could have been shut down.
Bugger!  cussing:

I smite you for teasing!

BTW I know why 'double-smite' works!  whistle:
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Re: Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2007, 10:17:05 AM »
As you can see it was just a tad controversial.

JFK: Reloaded is a game recreating the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Released on the 41st anniversary of the event (2004-11-22) by Scotland-based Traffic Games, JFK: Reloaded puts the player in the role of Kennedy's alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. The player is then scored on how closely one's version of the assassination matches the report of the Warren Commission. According to the company, the primary aim of the game was "to establish the most likely facts of what happened on 1963-11-22 by running the world?s first mass-participation forensic construction", the theory being that a player could help prove that Lee Harvey Oswald had the "means and the opportunity to commit the crime", and thus help support or disprove the Warren Commission's findings.

The main problem facing a player wanting to recreate the assassination accurately was that, since each bullet reacted "realistically" (including a certain amount of random probability), it was impossible to predict precisely where the bullet would go once it had hit its target.

This meant that there was a large element of luck involved in getting the perfect score, especially with regards to the magic bullet.

Many people have argued that JFK Reloaded is not a game as such, but rather a historical simulation based on a controversial event. Traffic Games claimed one of the reasons they made the 'game' was to try and increase social awareness and inspire an interest in history in a young audience.

Critics maintain that it is tasteless, and that if Traffic Games truly wanted to show how the assassination was attempted, they could have easily just released a 3D rendition of the event, allowing people to see for themselves what had happened, or indeed, at the very least, included one in the game itself.

A majority of gaming websites and publications have not reviewed JFK: Reloaded; however, some have, and JFK: Reloaded has received both negative and positive reviews. Some people argue that JFK: Reloaded should be considered a complex simulation rather than a video game because the point of JFK: Reloaded is to question historical controversies, while others have argued that this could have easily been achieved without making money and/or a game from it, and as such it is in extremely bad taste.

A spokesperson for Senator Edward Kennedy, the late President Kennedy's brother, called the game "...despicable. Why would someone make this game, this should have never been allowed on the market."

On 2005-02-22, a user named "Major_Koenig" won the competition prize of at least $10,000 with a score of 782 out of 1000. Second and third place went to the users "Flux" (779) and "ArrogantB" (777) respectively (although no prizes were awarded for anything other than first place).

After the competition had officially closed, the cost of the simulation was reduced to $4.99, and the "competition run" option was disabled within the game.

Sometime in early August 2005, the official website closed, but not before offering version 1.1 to the public for free.

Despite claims from Traffic Games that JFK Reloaded was designed to help prove or disprove the Warren Commission's findings, no result for their 'experiment' has been posted on their site, and looks unlikely to appear.

Traffic Games' 3D version of events indicate that the deadly shots, which killed Kennedy and wounded others, most likely originated from the Book Depository Building, however the accuracy of this 3D model has not been independently verified.

Apparently the game is now considered abandonware so it is likely to be available on one of those sites. If I suggest a site to check would I end up getting further smited?
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