Author Topic: G. Brown  (Read 500 times)

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G. Brown
« on: March 02, 2008, 09:35:05 AM »
Downing Street, January 2008:
Gordon Brown is in deep despair, sitting with his head in his hands.

Ed Balls asks what's the matter.

GB: "According to the newspapers, every single thing I do is wrong. Not one single good news story in six months. What can I do?

EB: "Well, the papers love human interest stories. Particularly stories that are about animals. I'll see what I can rustle up."

Ed Ball comes back next day.

EB: "Here's a great one. It'll cost quite a lot, but we've found a bloke with an absolutely amazing dog that can actually walk on water. He's willing to sell it to you at a price."

Gordon agrees the price, musing ruefully that if only he hadn't sold all those gold reserves, he could have effectively got it for less than a third the price he had to pay. But still, it's only tax-payers' money.

Next day they arrange a press conference by the lake in St. James' Park. All the main scribes are there.

Gordon takes the dog to the edge of the lake, picks up a stick and throws it about 50 feet across the lake into the water.

The dog daintily tiptoes out from the edge on top of the water and walks on top of the water all the way across to the stick and retrieves it without even getting his ankles wet.

"Well at least that's got to get us a good write-up", says Ed to Gordon.

Next day, they can hardly wait to open the newspapers.

And the Daily Mail has the screaming headline:

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