Went to bed early ........ "we" weren't speaking you will recall

Apparently "we" are still not.

Anywhooo, I have plans for the day. I am going to the council tip later (always enjoy that) taking a boot load of old PCs, monitors, keyboards etc. It is not worth the effort to put them on ebay, all have had the hard drives removed and destroyed, two at least were running on Windows 95 and even the 7 yo was complaining they were not running his "Reader Rabbit" Discs properly. The monitors are all buggered one way or another, have long since been replaced, same as the keyboards. Just never got round to binning them all until yesterday when I had a bit of a sort out. It will be fun to watch the tip attendants and others scrambling in the cack trying to salvage what they will think are "COMPUTERS".
After that and following on from my "experiment" with a G&T yesterday (two in fact) I have not taken any valium today and plan to go round to my Brother's and drag him out for a lunch time pint. Prolly have a sandwich in the pub too as I doubt that lunch in this house will be a pleasure somehow. After that I shall return to the kennel and watch the Rugby.