In a similar vein we have had sent home from school a "reader" to help us assist our off sprung to learn Welsh. The school are asking for a contribution of £2 per child toward the cost of a 12 page booklet.
The booklet gives Welsh phrases (Questions and responses) with a translation into what can only be described as pigeon English.
To compound the felony, from a school with a policy of confiscating crisps, chocolate, sweets and fizzy drinks from children's lunch boxes (and how Gestapo like is that?) the Question "Do you like Crisps?" is answered "Yes" The next question "Do you like grapes?" is answered "No".
Is it me?
On the subject of the requested "Contribution of £2 per booklet to help towards the cost" of a 12 page A5 sized booklet written by one of their own staff. I have written to the Head pointing out that I produce a 40 page A5 magazine every other month. 1300 copies at a print cost of £200. That is 15 pence a copy.
I would ask "Do I look stupid?" but I know the answer you lot will give.