Most beers taste the same nowadays. They have a process known as "Burtonisation" in which many brewers now treat their local water to produce the same taste in their beers wherever they are brewing. It is an abomination as it has killed most "local" beers. E.G. Wherever you go a pint of Marstons Pedigree tastes the same despite the fact it may have been brewed in any one of a dozen places around the UK. (Obviously this assumes that the landlord knows how to look after his ales)
Personal favourite is Fullers "London Pride", which is still brewed with local water.
I used to like Courage "Directors" but it went off a few years ago. Round here it is almost all Green King

so I stick to lager (or did when I was drinking ..... before the NHS Gestapo warned me off)
If you are going for bottles the Spitfire is good or Theakstons.