Without an "Ultimate deterrent" you have no hope of keeping discipline.
Example. Science teacher at THW's High School (which must I suppose remain nameless) has never yet got past twenty of the allotted 50 minute lesson. There is so much noise, mucking about and p*ss taking that he walks out of the room and leaves them to it. Daughter and her friend often follow him out of the room and go to the school library. One day, recently, they followed him to another classroom where they found him alone, in tears. They comforted him and offered to go to the head as witnesses for him but he declined the offer as he felt it would end his career.
This is the best school in the area. She tells us that most classes are like this. The oafs who are to blame want, repeat want, to be suspended. If they are suspended they don't have to come to school and they know that the law will not come after their parents whereas if they simply bunk off then eventually the cops turn up to speak to Mum and her partner.
Sorry to disagree Wenchy and I know I am old fashioned but Secondary Education is a bleeding nightmare nowadays and without some other punishment than being sent to the "Quiet Room" or being suspended for varying periods it will not stop. It is, quite frankly, anarchy in these places.
Of the other three High Schools open to us as options in this area one is Welsh Medium which rules it out as the children are not fluent enough to survive there and would anyway be beaten up by the other pupils because they are English and both of the others have a permanent police presence of two PCSO's each throughout the school day.