Serious answer is no ..... not me because I prefer to publish and edit the community magazine and to do that I have to remain independent in order that I may criticise at will. As a council member I would have to forfiet that ability.
Because the locals display sheep like tendencies I feel it necessary to round up a few volunteers to put forward as candidate otherwise we get no election, the same old crew nominate one another and nothing ever changes. Four years ago I did this, forced a ballot and got roundly slagged off by certain members of the council for my pains. It was the first actual ballot in 27 years. I intend to do the same this year so I have my "new" candidates that the local council know nothing about until the nominations are published in April. I act as their agent which make more sense to me and it puts them under an obligation
There is more than one way to kill a cat than feeding it too much cream you know.
Non serious answer is the Chinese option previously mentioned.