So now it is over can someone tell me how it will effect me personally. A non smoking light drinker with a car.
Yes, you will still be a boring git.

# Fuel duty rise of 2p is postponed from April until October.
In other words 2p on fuel duty.# Basic rate of income tax is confirmed as being cut from 22p to 20p from April.
# Public spending to grow by 2.2 per cent per year over the next 3 years.
# An extra £2bn for military.

# Incapacity benefit claimants will be given work assessments from April 2010.
# Child benefit for first child rising from £11 to £20 from April 2009.

# Cheaper tariff for energy customers on pre-pay meters.
# ISA limit confirmed as £3,600 per year from April.
# Small firms should win 30 per cent of public sector contracts.
# Corporation Tax to be cut from 30 per cent to 28 per cent in April.
# Extra £200m for schools to try to improve GCSE results.

# Road pricing will be tested.

# Sites of 70,000 new homes identified.

# Plastic bags charges will be imposed in 2009 - unless supermarkets introduce it themselves

# Cigarettes up 11p a packet

# Beer up 4p a pint, wine 14p a bottle, spirits up 55p a bottle

and cider 3p a litre.
# Winter fuel allowance up from £200 to £250 for over-60s and £300 to £400 over-80s.