Hi all
I was wondering if you could help me??? I went away with the wife on Monday night and just returned today. While i was away with her a very very strange thing happened to me. My wife agreed on 5 things i said. She never in the whole 15 yrs together agreed with me on anything. rubschin:
On the way home i asked her if she was all ok, and if there was anything the matter with her, she said no why? . Well i said you agreed with me on 5 things while we was away, she said no Mark it not me it you, you are changing, you are seeing my way of thinking at last.
Now that got me thinking, am i changing, has life come to a point where my mind is going warped, and not thinking right UMMMMM Then this song came on the radio and i was singing to it, this was the song, hxxp: youtube. com/watch?v=Qns6Dt3McgQ and now i keep singing it and can't get it out of my head. I know i thought i have a nice hot bath, that shall do it . While i was getting undressed i noticed i getting man BOOBS,OMG i am turning into a woman lol:. While i am sitting here doing my nails and hair i am thinking no i can't be turning into a woman can i. It all in my head, just because my wife agreed with me don't mean i turning into a woman. sad24:
So all you men out there, has you wife or partner ever agreed with you, i getting really worried here lol: lol: lol: lol: