I never was a big fan of Maggie, but did have respect for her. She did do some good things and was actually a damned good PM in fairness.
Makes it all the more abhorently disgusting seeing some of the vile 'celebrations' of her death that have been going on throughout the UK, including some knuckle dragging interbreeds on the council estate over the road from here last nigght, setting off fireworks, mainly by young morons that are obviously pig thick ignorant, brain dead and weren't even dragged onto this planet when she was in power.
Do we really have to share this country with this filth?
The whole lot need wasting.
Zactly saw the pics , thought they were young ,,,,,,,,,,,so basically listening to their scum bag parents..............
People ask me would I move back........
I ask myself WHY TF I didn't emigrate to Canada 30-40 years ago like some of my friends did....and are happy.
This new mahhosive International company that my young Bear Cub Growler is joining in just over a weeks time, have branches all over 'The States, AND Canada.
I reckon he'd get in there in a few years, and as much as I'd be absolutely devastated and heartbroken to lose him to over there, I'd be more than happy to see him make himself a damned good life whilst he's still young enough,and to get out of this vile shithouse nazi state of a knuckle dragging interbred breath wasting infested cuntry we merely exist in now.