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Silvio Berlusconi: 86
Glenda Jackson 87 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65916692 Absolutely brilliant actress and very straight, very capable MP RIP
Quote from: Steve on June 15, 2023, 10:52:31 AMGlenda Jackson 87 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65916692 Absolutely brilliant actress and very straight, very capable MP RIP Whilst doing my A-Levels, had a job in a petrol station in Battersea. She came in one night, filled her car up and then rummaged through the various "bits" we sold on the side. I only had 2 C180 blank video cassettte tapes left and moaned at me that she needed 3. I politely replied that this was a petrol station, not Curry's. She scowled at me and launched her Barclaycard at me in disgust. I was allowed to smoke inside at the time, so I finished my ciggie, asked her if I could help her in another way - perhaps check her tyre pressures, check her oil level or anything else. She scowled harder. Awful woman at the time, a lot better subsequently. After she left I had to wedge the door open to remove the smell of Socialism and associated slightly pissy pants.