I was trying to figure out which film I first saw him in. Probably Hud or Lady L; didn't see The Hustler until much later but he was a strong presence even then ('61).
83's a ripe old age and what a full life. I always thought the Paul Newman dressings were a bit of an unnecessary diversion IMHO 
The Dressings were, of course, a product of the Charity Food Company that Newman set up that has, since its inception, channelled millions of $ to the poor.
To put your name, face and money into something like that is, I feel, truly "giving back" something in return for your own good fortune. A far cry to Lloyd Grossman who sold his name and "reputation" in a copy cat operation purely for his own financial benefit.
From Daily Telegraph Obit:
Newman had a thriving sideline in the manufacture of food and salad dressings, marketed under the name Newman’s Own. The business began in 1962, when he and his neighbour, the writer AE Hotchner, set up a company “as a joke” to sell Newman’s original oil and vinegar dressing.
Within two years, it had become a multi-million dollar enterprise, revenues from which were funnelled into charities and social welfare organisations. It also helped to fund the Scott Newman Foundation, named after the actor’s son from his first marriage, who died of a drug overdose in 1978. The foundation concentrated on making anti-drug instructional films for children.