
Author Topic: People that shape your life (parents aside)  (Read 1383 times)

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People that shape your life (parents aside)
« on: March 21, 2008, 10:30:13 PM »
It's nearly 33 years since I left school. At one point I was in danger of going off the rails, but a wonderful lady and teacher called Sandra Turner got through to me and steered me in the right direction. I've tried to contact her through Friends Reunited and my old schools website so that I could thank her, but with no success so far

Anyway, what prompted me to write this was learning via TV last night that another person that shaped part of my life passed away last week.


As the years go by I can only remember three players of that team. All gave me great memories, they gave me a love of the game, a love I still enjoy but my support these days is with Harlequins (my nearest side,some 49 miles away, but well worth the trip every two weeks). This was a man that also owned a sports shop in the town, who encouraged others to enjoy playing and watching sport, a man who had time to talk to fans young and old alike. Thanks for the memories and for starting my love of the game
LiFe - It's an "F" in lie