I have a desk at work 4ft by 2 ft beech effect, and a red chair adjustable height, back and arm rests and a pumpy cushiony thing. Much the same as about a hundred other desks in the office.
Why the concern about mine? It took me months to get the phone so wound up that when i let it go it hangs up. I have a filing system, the paper near the top of the pile is the stuff i have read most recently. There may be a meal inside my keyboard but we may go on an outside adventure pursuit in the Brechen Beacons get stranded without food and my keyboard come to the rescue.
I don't pass judgement on other peoples desks, well except those with cuddly toys (emotionally unstable), too many family photos (my sperm works), excessive gadgets (it geek/paedo), too tidy (work-shy delegator).
Hey retards, leave my desk alone!