Vote for anyone except the current bunch .... they have got to go before we are all ruined.
Look ~ Blair was an arsehole but a clever arsehole ... he made them electable but Brown is an unreconstructed socialist of the worst sort who hid behind a facade of "Prudence" whilst doing all the things that socialists always do, to the detriment of the ordinary people. Now he has come out of the closet and all the worst excesses of Labour are showing through .... because Blair is no longer there covering them up with a smile and promises. If you want to be taxed into poverty, in the name of the greater good but in reality to line the pockets of the corrupt. If you want to see unemployment grow and grow. If you want to see nationalised industries (they've already started NB Northern Rock and Railtrack) that cost you more and more each year. If you want to see more and more unelected and unaccountable people running every aspect of life in this country and watch them getting richer and richer in the process then you vote Labour. If you want to avoid all this (and remember that they have done it before) then vote them out by any means you can conceive of.