We/I offered the children fish fingers and chips (I was feeling lazy and it's the sort of fare they seem to prefer).
A few days ago we had persuaded both boys to try some poached salmon (cheaper than cod these days even if it is farmed) and they had actually liked the small forkfull they had been given. Sooooooooo last night the fish fingers were rejected out of hand
(pun intended) and they said Salmon would be good. Joyful that, at last, we seem to be getting away from sausages, chicken nuggets and fish fingers I rushed to the freezer and found three salmon steaks ready to cook from frozen. Wacked 'em into the microwave on defrost and stuffed some oven chips in the fan oven quick.
30 mins later smiling father places steaming plates of poached salmon, chips and peas with little wedges of lemon in front of children and SWMBO said, tartly "Those were the last three salmon steaks weren't they?" (can you hear her foot tapping? ~ I could).
So, quick thinking as ever, I said "I thought I'd feed the children now and you and I could have something from "Lacky's" Banglafusion (local balti house) later ~
together "
Lacky's is well named it would seem as this morning I lack all sense of taste and seem to be spending a lot of time elbowing wives out of my route to the bathroom.
Oh and she didn't fall for the