I've decided chinese is worth the walk. Back later.
I too decided, following a call from SWMBO to say that her planned return to the kennel was now deferred until midnight, to go for a Chinese. In my case that involved a drive to the next village but what the h***. Well I fetched it in, sat down and the phone rang. Got rid of caller in short order and the phone rang, this time to inform me that ETA was 11pm and not midnight (it was about 7pm by now). Argument on phone about the necessity of telling me that she would be an hour earlier, did she think I needed to speed up whatever I was doing with another woman or was she deliberately delaying my eating the now rapidly cooling chinese meal?
Finally ate half the meal, which was not good. It has since returned
Oh and SWMBO got in at 11.35 so I told her she was late.
Growler ~ there is space in my doghouse for one more.