Me three!
I heard it (for the first time) this morning - thought they were both pretty evenly matched to be honest although have to say HH has the flatest boring female voice I've heard in a long time - think they all lie anyway!
Who lie anyway? Females or Politicians? ........................ Silly question ~ they all do.
"Did that DO it for you darling?" ~ "Oh yes" (LIE)
"Is mine the best/biggest you have ever?" ~ "Oh yes " (LIE)
"Will you always want to screw me like this?" ~ "Oh Yes" (LIE)
"Are you doing this for my good?" ~ "Oh yes" (LIE)
"Are you doing your best for me and all the other voters" ~ "Oh yes" (LIE)
"Will you always want to screw me like this?" ~ "Oh yes" (TRUE)