Taking a leaf from Nick's book (see office tidying threads) I decided, this morning, to file all the stuff that has accumulated in the two trays on my desk. Thus far (and I am only halfway down the first tray) I have thrown most of the papers into the shredder because I cannot remember why I thought them worth saving in the first place. Only two paid bills have gone into the filing cabinet and I have found a missing cheque book.
Why do I keep this clutter ~ is it the male equivalent of Wenchy's tat?
Another office related question. I have a "pocket" filofax into which I write appointments etc. I also have a "deskfax" filofax into which I copy all appointments and ask Mrs S to do the same with her preplanned activities. Hopefully this means that either of us can, at a glance, know what we can commit to and when we are busy eg If she can see I am due to be out then she knows that she must be here with the pups etc. Why then does she feel the need to hang an appointments calendar in the kitchen and issue me with a large year planner for the office wall? I have today received a letter informing me of an outpatient appointment (one of many such that I get). I have just written it on the wall chart, in my filofax, in the desk fax and on the kitchen calendar. She is now (as I type) commiting the same detail to her "handbag" filofax