Fat american prisoner is suing the authorites for 'not feeding him enough' after he loses a load of weight in jail? Awwww did they not allow you to stuff boatloads of junk food down your throat, most poeple would be overjoyed about losing that much weight you half witted tub of lard.
The reason your vision had probably gone blurry when you try to exercise is that the closest you have probably come to doing any before being banged up would be lifting p the phone to order your family sized dump truck texas fried chicken fat whopper McLard burger. Now you actaually have to move your fat arse your heart is obviously unable to handle the weight.
An overweight prisoner in the United States is suing the authorities for not feeding him enough after he lost about seven stone (45kg) in jail.
Broderick Lloyd Laswell, who is awaiting trial for murder, dropped to 22 stone (140kg) after eight months inside the Arkansas prison.
He claims his vision has gone blurry while trying to exercise.
The prison says the meals average 3,000 calories a day - more than the US recommended daily intake for adults.
Laswell has filed a federal law suit complaining Benton County jail does not provide inmates with enough food.
Hungry again
According to the suit, Laswell weighed 29 stone (187kg) when he was jailed in September.
Police say he has been charged with fatally beating and stabbing a man, the Associated Press news agency reported.
"On several occasions I have started to do some exercising and my vision went blurry and I felt like I was going to pass out," he wrote in his complaint.
"About an hour after each meal my stomach starts to hurt and growl. I feel hungry again."
He then goes on to complain about the lack of physical exercise, adding: "The only reason we lost weight in here is because we are literally being starved to death."
The suit also asks that the county be ordered to serve hot meals instead of cold food.