True. Gordon's had some great ad campaigns in the cinema too - before the Alcohol Stasi moved in.
Back to Ramsay for a moment; I'm just trying to think how he might enforce his view and fine every Indian, Chinese, Thai, Italian, French, Polish, Pizza, and Pub restaurant in the country...

Clearly off his little hostess trolley.
I imagine it's all pre-publicity for a new book / restaurant / TV series.
Here we go... I've just had a look at a menu at one of his places, and very nice they are too...
Granny Smith bavarois and there's a Mango sorbet if you don't like that.
And from elsewhere
With the reversed seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and with modern shipping methods, consumers from around the world can have relatively fresh Granny Smith apples the whole year around.
Oh sorry Gordon, it was vegetables...