I believe we should steal an aircraft and bomb the houses of Parliament with rotting turnips and old toilet cisterns. To progress this we must first steal an aeroplane. I reccomend one of these :

Lets face it, its a bit ancient and if we bring it back quick no-one will even notice.
Also, it would be suitable as we have a RAF veteran to hand who can fly it I'm sure. He may be a bit rusty so here is a picture to study :

And a handy leaflet to stick on the window to jog the old memory in moments of crisis :

So Snoopy shall be pilot, I shall be tail end Charlie. We need volunteers / nominations for the following crew positions:
Navigator> After all we have to find the damn place.
Flight engineer> to kick tyres &c.
Bob aimer> In case we do actually find the damn place.
All round good egg> To stand behind the pilot gripping the seat back and looking grim.
Somebody with a video camera phone>So we can post it on YouTube as well as phone an ambulance when we crash land in a cornfield.
Assorted gunners>To shoot things like.
So who's up for it?
Yes, I'm bored.