LL is here! 
Hello there my darling bar propping poppets

Yes LL is here and now ready to give you the alternate version of BM's story on THE WEDDING !!!
It all went fabulously and thank the heck that the weather was not like it is today (pouring water from the skies) and sunshine shone on us all

The bride was cool calm and collected throughout the day (which I didn't expect and had the 'calms' and 'rescue remedy' at the ready - plus the bubbly and G&T's too!) and she looked totally absolutely and amazingly beautiful

MOTB didn't do to bad either (I think) and accepted the administrations of the hired professional make up lady who slapped poly filler and other wonders on her mush to hid the ravages of previous years - even allowed myself to be talked into eye lash extensions so if I look like my other professions is street walking in some of the pics (when we receive them

) remember it's not my fault!
MOTB also had a mild almost hyper ventilating panic attack on route to the Church (and me normally so refined and calm) because unknown to me my watch was 15 mins early - so whilst I was under the misapprehension that everything was running LATE in fact it wasn't (phew) and all attendees arrived on time (double and treble phew, phew, phew!!)
My Mother also managed to come to the Church, (we arranged a special taxi which would transport her in her wheelchair and one of the carers from the nursing home to travel with her) to see the young couple wed and I have to admit that when they arrived and I saw that Mum did realise that it was his great granddaughter being wed and she blew her a kiss it made me blub a bit
The ceremony it's self was fab, the choir sang wonderfully, and even BM said what a great job and what a nice chap the vicar was (high praise from Bm who is let me say 'mildly' skeptically about all things godlike

The reception was in a wonderful venue and the staff had everything well and truly under control and things ran to the correct time scales. Pimm's on the lawn with many photo's, followed by a tasty sit down food fest and then THE SPEECHES............ BM was (and I don't think he will disagree with me on this point) bricking it up to the point the FOTB speech was announced BUT when he then stood up and started his speech he did just FANTASTICLLY

The right amount of humour (which received appropriate genuine laughs) sentiment and thank you's to those involved - I WAS VERY VERY PROUD OF HIM

The final additional bonus was the fact that the new wig glue worked fine too and now forward slippage of nylon into his eyes occurred
The only mishap (which I wasn't aware of until the very end of the event) was the red wine spillage onto the back of my very expensive MOTB dress - I can only hope that when we get back to CY and I take it to the dry cleaners it comes out, if not it will then become the most expensive dusting cloth BaldyMort has ever paid for

Well that's the version of events from LL's viewpoint - was it expensive (oh yes, particularly if we add in the additional unexpected cost of the hire car £500 excess penalty for BM's ding ding and if the MOTB outfit re morphs as a duster

) but was it all worth it - as that stupid nodding insurance dog would say ................ OH YES!!!!!!!!!!
So signing off with love to all,
See you back in the bar Tuesday night I think , take care till then
MOTB xxxxxxxxx