Its been movie marathon night so have finally got around to watching Paranormal Activity with some friends and a decent amount of booze.
Ok, first for BM's sake no shagging no nudity.
This was a low budget film that took cinemas by storm when it was released about a couple who find their home has a 'guest'. It has a fairly slow start and then goes like this:
JESUSFOOKNCHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Cleaned up a little but otherwise a direct quote from one of the other guys watching)
This is the film that Bliar Witch should have been, even if you do end up spending a good chunk of the film thinking why the hell are you staying in the house. All in all well worth watching, every time the overnight camera showed something happening the hairs on the back of my neck srood on end.
Grumpy score 9/10