Jack Reacher.... 
I've read all the books and 'yes' in print Jack's a big lad and Tom's only little but I was willing to forgive this piece of anachronistic casting and give this movie a fair go.After all even a below par Reacher novel is still a cut above anything else out there.
So far so good. Starts well, moves along at a brisk pace and when Jack/Tom confronts five thugs in the street, explains to them how the fight is going to go down and then proceeds to take them apart I'm starting to think' Hey, perhaps Tom is Jack Reacher despite the obvious limitations in stature.'
Then the wheels fall off.
There is a 'fight' scene in a bathroom that resembles a 3 stooges sketch with incompetent, comedy henchmen repeatedly hitting each other in a scene that wouldn't be out of place in a Tom and Jerry cartoon. Then there is a perfunctory and yet seemingly endless car chase shoehorned into proceedings before Rosamund Pike turns into a helpless, doe-eyed victim and the true villianous mastermind is revealed as a slightly dilapidated old bloke with no fingers.
Cue some gunplay, a fist fight, some exposition, a metaphorical ride into the sunset and roll the end credits.
This movie was bad in a way that Lee Childs creation didn't deserve and Mr. Cruises height has nothing to do with it. It's all to do with a bad script, poor directing and bland, formulaic, Hollywood-mill production.
^^^ Is about right
I watched this on Sunday and agree totally I have read all the 'Jack Reacher' books they are fab and when I heard TC was playing him I thought .....

There was one fight scene in a warehouse or somewhere that was laughable... It was shite I am surprised Lee Childs approved it...