Well I just got back from the midnight screening of Alien Covenant and I have to admit that I was pretty underwhelmed by the film. I wanted to like it, I really did. Hell I've been waiting for another good one in the series since Aliens so I was really looking forward to this when Ridley Scott said it was a return to the original format. It looked stunning but it was ponderous and predictable. There was so much potential in the plot that was sadly wasted, the interaction between Walter and David, what really happened with Shaw and David, the horror of the genocide of the engineers on the planet not to mention the fate of the members of the covenant crew most of it was simply rushed through in an attempt to try and build a sense of tension that never amounted to anything.
All in all it was 2 hours of my life I'll never get back again, on the bright side it was a staff ticket so didn't cost me anything.