Star Wars - Rise of Skywalker.
Star Wars fans: "The Last Jedi ruined the franchise...!"
JarJar Abrams: "Hold my beer....."
TL:DR That's 2 and a half hours of my life I'll never get back again.
Given the many leaks that have been released (yes it's true, they decided that Palpatine somehow managed to survive being hit with his own lightning, thrown down a bloody great big shaft and then blown up with the Death Star and has in fact been behind everything in the last 2 films) and the mess that Rian Johnson left the plot in with The Last Jedi I wasn't expecting to see a masterpiece and I have to admit JarJar Abrams did deliver. Now the film does have some good points, it looks great and does have some really impressive set pieces but the plot (or lack of one) really lets it down. In all honesty I think the film should have been named Raiders of the Lost McGuffin with the way they had the search for the mystical device needed to find the lost planet they need to get to (go to planet, find clue, Kylo arrives, run - rinse and repeat). Then there are the plot holes...................and there are a hell of a lot of them. So many in fact that I can't mention any of them without giving way what little plot there is.
Strip out all of the Star Wars material and you would end up with a half watchable Roger Corman B Movie.