I was browsing Amazon and stumbled across
Microbes and Men from 1974, largely attracted by Arthur Lowe featuring...
I couldn't find it on lone so
ordered the DVD.
It is excellent! how refreshing to see an historically accurate series not fucked up by political correctness*, etc.
Binge-watched Disc 1 last night and will watch Disc 2 tonight prolly....
An absolute gem of a series. I remember it well, viewing it during the early years of my medical training. It was certainly released on Betamax at one stage but appears to have not had a DVD release.
Inspirational, historically correct with the usual effective BBC dramatic edge. Anyone with an interest in science, particularly microbiology would find this enormously entertaining. Reminiscent of those old biographical movies from the 50's and 60's re Pasteur, Curie and Ehrlich
Can anyone suggest how the BBC can be encouraged to release this fantastic series on DVD. Should not be left hidden away in a vault.
* No darkies, gayers nor trannies squeezed into the story...