Pasta Fagliole
This sauce was Luchesse family capo paul Vario's favourite dish and his homemade Fagilole was said to be the best in Brooklyn.
2 tbsp. Olive Oil
1 medium Onion, diced fine
5 cloves Garlic, chopped
1 cup Carrots, diced
1 cup Celery, diced
6 oz. Tomato Paste
1 lb. Ditalini pasta or small pasta product, cooked al dente
1 cube Chicken Bouillon
2 Bay leaves
2 cans cooked pink beans or bean of your choice
2 quarts of Ham or Chicken stock
Salt and Pepper to taste,Heat olive oil then sauté onions, carrots & celery with bay leaves and garlic for 10 minutes, until vegetables are soft. Add tomato paste and cook 5 minutes more. Add 1/2 of the stock. Let heat. Add 1 can of beans, pureed in blender and 1 can of whole beans. Add cooked pasta, season with bouillon and salt & pepper. Adjust to desired thickness with extra stock.
Any complaints can be given to the 2 Italian gentlemen wearing the expensive suits over there...