They eat eggs then
Difference between Vegetarian and Vegan has clearly escaped you then Nick.
You should explain all about eggs to them I mean, imagine if all hens were Catholic!
Unlike some I do not go out of my way to make my own life harder.
In his case there are sound medical reasons for his not eating meat ~ in her case it is a case of teenage fad and the fancy she has that "This is the one with whom I will spend the rest of my life and if he can't eat meat then I will not" From devoted carnivore to vegetarian overnight ~ ain't young love wunnerful?
Now if you would care to have her round for a few weeks and try to talk sense to her I would be more than grateful ~ as it is and since I have to live with the fall-out I am just leaving well alone.
Frankly if it keeps her quiet she can eat sh*t for all I care.
Come to think of it her mother's cooking .....................