Pie filling ready, pastry rolled and in tin, greaseproof paper on top of it and can I find the baking beans? Can I f*ck!
So to the bat phone and phone the Bat.
"Hellooooo my little
~ where would I find the baking beans?"
"In the tins cupboard, next to the tomatoes."
"No my little treasure ~ the BAKING BEANS not the baked beans"
"In the baking cupboard of course"
"I've looked there, obviously, and they ARE NOT!"
"They should be ........... are you looking in the right baking cupboard?"
"We have more than one cupboard designated for baking stuff"
"Oh yes, There are three"
"I'll go and hunt in the other two then"
"Happy to be able to help ~ I am looking forward to this."