BM = I did tell you that's why we finally gave up on buying new chip fryers.
The problems of getting them clean is caused by the mix of starch from the chips and the water they give off when fried. Over time this builds up to an uncleanable coating and the wimmin can't stand it looking "dirty". Best solution is to use a decent deep sauce pan to heat the oil and a draining ladle to fish out the chips (see what I did there?).
Use an oil with a high burn temperature and throw it away and clean the pan after each use.
Alternatively and certainly less expensive is to get yer chips from a take-a-way.
PS when we had the pubs we also had a couple of industrial size and strength fryers made of stainless steel. Cleaned at least weekly they did the job well enough to pass regular inspection by the "Food Police" even though in daily use but the baskets were a bugger to clean and had to be replaced every couple of months.
Draining ladle like this

The sort of fryers we used in the pubs